23 July 2007

New York Hates My Boobs

In the New York Post I read that, according to a legislative study, the City has 26% fewer facilities offering mammography as compared to the number it had in 1999. The congressman who commissioned the report also noted that women have to wait anywhere from 5 weeks to 6 months for an appointment because Medicare isn't reimbursing the clinics well enough and then the clinics are opting out of the service. Seriously, En Why See. What gives? If 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer in the course of their lives, then I probably have a better chance of getting sick than I do of getting a date in New York anytime soon and that makes for 100% unhappy Minna. Tighten up, City, and start paying up especially before I'm kicked out of the Columbia student insurance tent. Apparently the concerned congressman is introducing a bill to increase payment so let's keep our bra straps crossed because, spake the rt. hon. Rep. Weiner, "Raising the reimbursement rate will ensure that women have increased options to protect their most important asset................their health". No (Victoria's) secret there.


Pete said...

I don't even have boobs and that post depressed the hell out of me...

Pete said...

Yes, I did say boobs. I like that term the best.

Minna said...

yeah, see? i considered putting "breasts" in the title, but it didn't have the same poetic flow. good call.