As much as I hear the arguments that he shouldn't have been let within 50 miles of the ivory towers, I think it's pretty cool that Bollinger point blank told Ahmadinejad to tighten up. Sadly, in Iran, Bollinger would not have slept comfortably in a 20 million dollar mansion after calling him out.
One of the less (more) clever signs on campus yesterday.
yet again, I don't really get it. I don't get the sign.
It is a joke whose object is to suggest that because Ahmadinejad is featured kicking a soccer ball, that he is, in fact, a "baller"--not in the soccer sense, but presumably in the IR sense. This would be ironical because most people consider him not an IR "baller", but something more akin to an IR, say, failure. The humor is in the irreverence of suggesting the opposite of the truth.
Y'all whack
it's simply a non-sequitur. when in doubt, if it's not readily apparent, i find humor in images (irreverences) etc. of the out of place, the absurdities of daily life. for example, a wacko dictator kicking a soccer ball, and the fact that y'all is clearly misspelled. i don't know, it's just funny.
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