1. A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing.
2. A hired ruffian; a thug.
3. A pimp.
4. Archaic. A fine person.
5. Archaic. A sweetheart.
6. Current. Fox nutjob who resorts to weak, petty violence with campaign staff on the other side, who happen to be kicking the crap out of his worldview. Bill = pinche mono de mierda.
Not criticizing the purity of your hatred or anything, but the staffer was blocking O'Reilly's crew from getting a shot of Obama, and not even addressing anybody's worldview.
Obama seems to be gaining momentum for speaking for a conciliatory vision of the country, following years of "if you're not with us, you're against us." O'Reilly, in my view, profits from the rhetoric of division, rather than that of common ground. I viewed the incident as metaphorical.
PS> I don't hate the player, I just hate the vitriol coming out of his mouth. Everyone, even Bill or Cuba Gooding, Jr., has the capacity to act peacefully, for justice, mindfully. I'd probably be pissed that I couldn't get a filmed shot of the event, but the fact that he resorts to shoving is pretty demonstrative of his character.
How about a video of said push? Some of us are too busy with important matters like the renaissance of American Gladiators and NCAA and NFL postseason sportball to follow election coverage...
O'Reilly got there late and then tried to push his way to the front like the self-entitled bastard he is.
"Hey O'Relly, I know you aren't a real reporter ... but most of us try to get there on time to get a good spot."
What an ass clown. He should go on American Gladiators and face off against Wolf or Mayhem on the Pyramid. That would cut him down to size.
Uh-oh, Matthew; your link is broken. But here's a link to another news-blog re. the pushing and shoving.
Wolf is a beast.
I know right? I don't ever think I'll get sick of his "howl" and "I live under a bridge" hair.
He reminds me of Ron Perlman in the 80's "Beauty and the Beast" show.
I've decided to support a movement that will privatize law enforcement by turning it over to the American Gladiators. If I knew Turbo would be pulling me over instead of officer Johnson, I might be even less apt to speed.
I support this movement! Where's the petition? I'll sign right away in support of deputizing Venom, Hellga and ... um ... Trucker? Is that one? ... immediately!
o'reilly had a clip of the incident on his show. the staffer was a dick, but o'reilly was an even bigger dick for his entitlement attitude and use of force (though he claims he "had no choice but to uphold the constitution"): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf9aE3Toepo
but barack came over and calmed the incident with his moonbeams and chorus of angels, so all is well.
(by the way, "barack" would make a great gladiator name. "you just got barack'd, biatch!"
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