I went to the
University of Virginia. That makes me alum. Cool. That also means I get emails from the
Alumni Association regardless of whether or not I am technically a member (sorry, guys, but until I'm making a 6-figure salary, I'd rather you not hit me up for money every time I open my mailbox).
Yesterday, I received an email about an upcoming event surrounding this Spring's
Foxfield Races called "
Bagels & Buses". For $55, you get a Bodo's Bagels breakfast, validated parking ticket, Foxfield's admission and bus ride to and from the races. If you've never heard of Foxfield's, to give you an idea, a local police officer was overheard referring to it as "Drunkfest". So, add a few popped-collars and sun dresses (read, "fratties and sororities") to whatever your idea of drunkfest is, and you've pretty much got it. Or, maybe you don't. I've never actually been to Foxfield's so I'm not an authority on the matter. But this post isn't about Foxfield's. It's about this picture. The picture they are using to promote this "Bagels & Buses" event.

One, that is
not a
University Transit Service bus. Two, that is the most unappetizing looking bagel I've ever seen; it certainly isn't a Bodo's Bagel because we all know
Bodo's has about the tastiest bagel south of the Mason-Dixon. Both of these points make me wonder if the folks who put together this event even went to UVa or live in the state of Virginia for that matter. Oh, and that's the worst Photoshopping I've ever seen. But besides all of that,
why would anyone in their right mind call an event "Bagels and Buses" or create an image of a bus going through a bagel to promote it?!?! Nothing says "delicious" like rubber, flour and axle grease.
University of Virginia Alumni Association, tighten up! Stop half-assing disgusting Photoshop images and over-charging for events.
Mandy, it's Foxfield Races.
Foxfield (singular). It's a common mistake, but UVA students and alumns, tighten up!
Fixed!! Thanks for keepin' it tight.
However, I do believe it is common C'villian vernacular to refer to the "Foxfield Races" as "Foxfield's". I suppose my ear betrayed me, so I also amended "Foxfields" to the abbreviated "Foxfield'[Race]s".
i have heard that bodo's makes the best bagels ever.
but that was from pouy.
i think she's biased.
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