19 March 2008

Part 2: Your civil disobedience is lame.

Blocking an intersection on K St., attacking a bus and tying up traffic. Way to go protesters - troops are totally coming home tomorrow.


Pepper said...

Not the Circulator!!

Jordan said...

fish in a barrel... these guys make it too easy: "i know, let's all stand still together for a minute at union station and then chant at a bunch of bewildered commuters... that'll get us out of iraq!"

see here: http://dcist.com/2008/03/19/video_of_freeze.php

The Becca said...

God hates them. That's why its raining.

Brenda Starr said...

That DCist video is ridiculous ... "Look at me freeze with my pensive face."

Teddy Ruxtable said...

When it rains, god is peeing. Peeing on protestors!

Matthew said...

Damas y caballeros, I understand your comments. It is hard to have your travel schedule altered for a moment in a big city. And it is easy to make fun of these guys, particularly because their reps aren't actually in D.C., and they tend to do dumb things like attack buses and good looking news reporters. I wonder, however, whether the alternative is working, if you juxtapose the United States with a "comparative" representative democracy where protest is much more active and government that much more responsive, like, France. (However, Texas is bigger than France). Read about LBJ's torment on this now ridiculed form of civil society, and how protests may have influenced to get out of that clusterfuck a year earlier. I know Cheney doesn't give a damn, either, because he is a impotent little man with a huge set of guns to play with. But what will it take to stop the daily use of torture/weapons of mass distruction in the name of "spreading democracy?" Do we honestly think Hillary or Obama will just end it? Sorry, off my horse now:-)