25 February 2008

Gross Sink

Sometimes, my sink in my house vomits when the dishwasher is on. It is gross. Tighten up sink! Quit with the bulimia, you look great!


Pepper said...

You are that sink's only friend--it needs you right now.

Abbie said...

luv abbie

Brenda Starr said...

That sink needs to see the Lifetime movie "Dying to be Thin." I think it may help.

Unknown said...

it's not an eating disorder, it's discipline!

The Becca said...

I'm scheduling an intervention for the sink this friday night. I think it's time.

Pete said...

What the ef are you sticking in your sink?? What is all that crap? Honestly. Either get a disposal or spring for one of those $.99 mesh screens to cover the drain. Jesus. You better tighten up and get domestic real quick or I'll be forced to advise Pepp to call things off in the interest of homefront bliss and future plumbing bills.

Unknown said...

no, pete. broken sink = man's job. if you start letting women handle tools and stuff, pretty soon theyre going to want the right to vote and an education. and then the men of the world will starve to death because there won't be any dinner on the table with the women all busy voting and being smart.

Pepper said...

The hilarious part is that there is a garbage disposal--she just doesn't run it before using the dishwasher.

Tighten up, B.

mandy said...

it's not an eating disorder, it's discipline!